Autor: Adam Onishi
Broj strana: 500
ISBN broj:
Godina izdanja: 2015.
Pro WordPress Theme Development is for web designers and developers who want to start creating their own themes and get the most out of them. This book is for web professionals who are familiar with PHP and WordPress, and have used both before, but want to go from editing themes to creating their own custom themes. Pro WordPress Theme Development is perfect for developers who want to create themes from scratch with advanced features, capitalize on the large WordPress community, and monetize their new found skills.
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Bilo bi lepo da ovakva knjiga izadje. Javite ako bude u planu. Vas verni citalac...
• Aleksandar Zlatić
Interesuje me ova knjiga jer se bavim grafičkim i web dizajnom i želim da nadogradim svoje znanje...
• Minuette Macon
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1500.00 rsd
Popust cena:
1000.00 rsd
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