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Knjige – izdavač APRESS

Ukupno: 23, strana 1 od 2

Advanced Excel Success

Advanced Excel Success

Alan Murray

Godina izdanja: 2021.
Strana: 349,
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Explore advanced skills in Excel and gain an amazing array of tricks and tools to increase your productivity. This book discusses new techniques such as power functions, chart tricks, and many more to master Excel.
Domain-Driven Laravel

Domain-Driven Laravel

Jesse Griffin

Godina izdanja: 2021.
Strana: 616,
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Map concepts and ideas in domain-driven design (DDD) and transpose them into clean, testable, and quality code that is effective alongside the Laravel framework. This book teaches you how to implement the concepts and patterns present in DDD in the real world as a complete web application. With these tactics and concepts in place, you'll engage in a variety of example applications, built from the ground up, and taken directly from real-world domains. Begin by reviewing foundational stepping stones (with small, manageable examples to show proof of concepts as well as illustrations to conceptualize the more complex topics) of both DDD and Laravel. Specifically, such topics as entities, value objects, developing an ubiquitous language, DTOs, and knowledge discovery. Next, you will dive into some more advanced topics of DDD and use these concepts as a guide to make customizations to the default Laravel installation, giving you an understanding of why these alterations are vital to the DDD and Laravel platform. Finally, you will cover the very powerful Eloquent ORM that comes stock with Laravel and understand how it can be utilized to represent entities, handle repositories, and support domain events.  
Mastering 3D Printing

Mastering 3D Printing

Joan Horvath

Godina izdanja: 2020.
Strana: 347,
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Get the most out of your printer, including how to design models, choose materials, work with different printers, and integrate 3D printing with traditional prototyping to make techniques like sand casting more efficient. This book is for new 3D printer owners, makers of all kinds, entrepreneurs, technology educators, and anyone curious about what you can do with a 3D printer. In this revised and expanded new edition of Mastering 3D Printing, which has been a trusted resource through five years of evolution in the 3D printing industry, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of 3D printing. This book presumes no foreknowledge  and describes what you need to know about how printers work, how to decide which type of printer (filament, resin, or powder) makes the most sense for you, and then how to go forward in the case of filament and resin printers.  This new edition now includes material about consumer resin printing, the evolution of lower-cost metal printing, and the plethora of both materials and applications. What You’ll LearnChoose among the different 3D printing technologiesCreate or find 3D models to printMake both easy and challenging prints come out as you imaginedAssess whether your business, factory, home or classroom will benefit from 3D printingWork with applications that are good candidates for first projects in home and industrial applicationsWho This Book Is ForPeople who are encountering 3D printing for the first time, or for those who want to level up their skills. It is designed for the nontechnical adult and minimizes jargon. However more sophisticated users will still find tips and insights of value.  
Building Progressive Web Applications with Vue.js

Building Progressive Web Applications with Vue.js

Carlos Rojas

Godina izdanja: 2020.
Strana: 233,
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Obtain all the necessary tools for developing a progressive web application (PWA) with Vue. js, a modern JavaScript framework. You’ll see how PWAs behave like a regular responsive website and have a similar structure to that of a web application, but feel like a native mobile app. Along the way you’ll take advantage of Vue. js features to build fast, high-performing progressive web apps that work offline.  Building Progressive Web Applications with Vue. js starts by explaining the basic concepts and structure of PWAs, and moves on to designing the app shell and other features that distinguish a PWA from simple web pages. In the following chapters, the book talks about the improved web technologies, such as service workers, caching strategies, background sync, and push notifications, that make PWAs powerful. What You Will LearnHarness the power of Vue. js to build PWAs Understand the function and relevance of a manifest fileDiscover service workers and why they are revolutionaryWork with the Cache API and caching strategiesUse IndexedDB, background sync, and push notificationsEnhance your apps with FirebaseImplement the Workbox library in your appsWho This Book Is ForWeb developers who want to venture into building PWAs would find the book useful.
Basic Linux Terminal Tips and Tricks

Basic Linux Terminal Tips and Tricks

Philip Kirkbride

Godina izdanja: 2020.
Strana: 361,
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Learn command line tricks, programs, and hacks you can use day to day as a Linux user, programmer, and system administrator. When you interact with the digital world, you can’t go far without interacting with Linux systems.  This book shows you how to leverage its power to serve your needs.  Many users know "top" is installed on almost all Linux machines, but did you know with a few keystrokes you can customize it specifically for your needs? Stuck using `cd` and `ls` commands for navigating file systems? This book looks at how you can use Ranger to quickly navigate through multiple levels of folders, and quickly run bash commands without ever leaving the terminal. We also suggest programs that can be used for common tasks such as finding which programs are using the most processing, data download/upload, and file space. You’ll know how to quickly connect to remote machines and run your commonly needed jobs in a keystroke or even on auto-pilot. With Basic Linux Terminal Tips and Tricks you'll be equipped with a wide range of tools that can be used for daily work and maintenance on all sorts of Linux systems including servers, desktops, and even embedded devices.  
Startups in Action

Startups in Action

JP Silva

Godina izdanja: 2020.
Strana: 141,
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The growing pains of a startup’s initial year in business require a keen awareness of uncertainties and a willingness to adapt in order to survive. Today’s new founders greatly benefit from taking a behind-the-scenes look at successful companies such as Etsy, HotelTonight, Fiverr, and more in regards to how they overcame the challenges of their first year. Startups in Action is your curated source for critical insights and inspiration from those who have been there before.
Demystifying Internet of Things Security

Demystifying Internet of Things Security

Sunil Cheruvu

Godina izdanja: 2019.
Strana: 488,
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Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutionsWhat You'll LearnSecure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the networkGather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platformsUnderstand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depthWho This Book Is ForStrategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms.
JavaScript Next

JavaScript Next

Raju Gandhi

Godina izdanja: 2019.
Strana: 241,
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JavaScript has finally grown up. Armed with a slew of new features, JavaScript now makes writing the code that powers your applications elegant, concise, and easy to understand. This book is a pragmatic guide to the new features introduced in JavaScript, starting with Edition 6 of ECMAScript, and ending with Edition 9.  
Practical Cryptography in Python

Practical Cryptography in Python

Seth Nielson

Godina izdanja: 2019.
Strana: 371,
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Develop a greater intuition for the proper use of cryptography. This book teaches the basics of writing cryptographic algorithms in Python, demystifies cryptographic internals, and demonstrates common ways cryptography is used incorrectly.
Learn to Program with C

Learn to Program with C

Noel Kalicharan

Godina izdanja: 2016.
Strana: 336,
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Learn to Program with C teaches computer programming to the complete beginner using the native C language. As such, it assumes you have no knowledge whatsoever about programming. The main goal of this book is to teach fundamental programming principles using C, one of the most widely used programming languages in the world today.
JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev

JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev

Tim Ambler , Nicholas Cloud

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 520,
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JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev is your guide to the wild, vast, and untamed frontier that is JavaScript development.
C# 7 Quick Syntax Reference

C# 7 Quick Syntax Reference

Mikael Olsson

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 180,
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This quick C# 7 guide is a condensed code and syntax reference to the C# programming language, updated with the latest features of C# 7. 3 for . NET and Windows 10. It presents the essential C# 7 syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. In the C# 7 Quick Syntax Reference, you will find a concise reference to the C# language syntax: short, simple, and focused code examples; a well laid out table of contents; and a comprehensive index allowing easy review. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn-out history lessons, or witty stories. What you will find is a language reference that is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any C# programmer. What You Will LearnDiscover what's new in C# 7. 3 and . NET for Windows 10 programming, including out values, ref locals and returns, local functions, throw exceptions, and numeric literalsCreate lightweight, unnamed types that contain multiple public fieldsCreate branching logic based on arbitrary types and values of the members of those typesNest functions inside other functions to limit their scope and visibilityThrow expressions in code constructs that previously were not allowedDeclare methods with the async modifier to return other types in addition to TaskUse the new numeric literals found in C# 7. 3 to improve readability for numeric constantsWho This Book Is ForThose with some experience in programming, looking for a quick, handy reference. Some C# or . NET recommended but not necessary.
Understanding Oracle APEX 5 Application Development

Understanding Oracle APEX 5 Application Development

Edward Sciore

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 348,
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Ovo novo izdanje Razumijevanje razvoja Oracle APEX 5 aplikacija pokazuje APEX programerima kako graditi praktične, netrivijalne web aplikacije.  
Beginning Design for 3D Printing

Beginning Design for 3D Printing

Joe Micallef

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 375,
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Beginning Design for 3D Printing is the definitive step-by-step design guide for anyone interested in becoming a skilled modeler for 3D printing. The techniques provided will enable anyone to bring their 3D printable ideas into reality.
MATLAB matematičke analize

MATLAB matematičke analize

Cesar Perez Lopez

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 386,
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MATLAB Mathematical Analysis is a reference book that presents the techniques of mathematical analysis through examples and exercises resolved with MATLAB software. The purpose is to give you examples of the mathematical analysis functions offered by MATLAB so that you can use them in your daily work regardless of the application.
Java 8 programiranje za profesionalce

Java 8 programiranje za profesionalce

Bret Spell

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 708,
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Pro Java 8 Programming covers the core Java development kit and the finer points of the core standard edition (SE) and development kit version 8. You'll discover the particulars of working with the Java language and APIs to develop applications in many different contexts.
Profesionalno Android 5 programiranje

Profesionalno Android 5 programiranje

Dave MacLean , Satya Komatineni , Grant Allen

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 1020,
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Pro Android, Fifth Edition shows you how to build real-world and fun mobile apps using the Android 5. 0 SDK.
Profesionalni razvoj WordPress tema

Profesionalni razvoj WordPress tema

Adam Onishi

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 500,
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Pro WordPress Theme Development is your comprehensive guide to creating advanced WordPress themes.  
Java 8

Java 8

Kishori Sharan

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 828,
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Beginning Java 8 Fundamentals provides a comprehensive approach to learning the Java programming language, especially the object-oriented fundamentals necessary at all levels of Java development.
Android recepti

Android recepti

Dave Smith

Godina izdanja: 2015.
Strana: 500,
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Android Recipes, Fourth Edition offers more than 100 down-to-earth code recipes, and guides you step-by-step through a wide range of useful topics using complete and real-world working code examples. This book is updated to include the Android 5. 0 SDK, as well as earlier releases.
Strane: 12


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